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Session Abstracts

Graeme Cavers
Towards a Total Archaeological Record: high precision survey and integrated archaeological recording

Over the past ten years, advances in technologies for high-precision survey have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in terms of archaeological recording, while simultaneously bringing these technologies into the range of archaeological project budgets. Increasingly, there is an emphasis on the need for a ‘total record’, and high precision, high-data volume techniques such as 3D laser scanning are specified as a recording methodology on more and more projects. Furthermore, the software and hardware for the production of fully integrated archaeological databases on-site is increasingly widespread. However, despite this move towards detailed digital recording, specifications of high-precision surveys are still poorly defined and highly variable across the profession, and while advances have been made in standardising practice in laser scanning and other techniques, the research design behind many high-precision surveys is vague. While analysis of methodology is important, it is equally essential to be critical of the purpose of archaeological recording techniques. This session aims to explore both the philosophy and the methodology of high precision survey in archaeological recording, considering the following key issues:
Methodologies for linking archaeological information and ‘objective’ datasets such as pointclouds,Extracting interpreted records from ‘objective’ datasets,Survey, excavation, interpretation and GIS- the integration of ‘objective’ records and the compilation of interrogable digital archives, Practicalities:The integration of laser scan survey and GIS- practical issues,Issues arising from the introduction of integrated on-site recording: the view from rescue archaeology, Problems of translating and integrating data formats, Philosophy:The responsibility to aim for the most complete record possible,The paradigm shift from paper to integrated database,The impact on the archaeological process: interpretation versus the ‘total record’

Papers are invited that present case studies making use of high-precision recording techniques, discussions of the methodologies of high-precision recording for archaeology and practical issues arising from their implementation, as well as wider discussions of the philosophy behind the endeavour for a ‘total archaeological record’.

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