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Guidelines for paper and poster abstract submission

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of 200-400 words, which will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Abstracts should be text-only and include the aims and methods of the presentation. Both short (20 minutes) and long papers (30 minutes) are accepted, with the condition that only presentations of innovative projects and methods will qualify as long papers. Otherwise, case studies will fall into the category of short papers. While authors are requested to propose a category upon submission, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to shift papers submitted for the long category to the short. The abstracts should contain the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliation, email address, the title of the presentation, the name of the session they would like to join, the abstract and a few (3-5) meaningful keywords.

Abstracts for posters should follow the guidelines for papers. A special poster session will be held at the conference during which authors will be required to be present to answer questions. Guidelines for poster size will be published later on the website.
Poster size: 90 × 140 cm

Abstracts should be submitted through the conference website in the section for registration. Authors are requested to fill in the registration form and upload their abstracts in pdf or rtf format. In case of problems, abstracts can be sent by email as well to the contact persons named on the Contacts page of the website. Authors are requested to indicate in the given field into which session their paper would fit best. Papers that had been submitted before the finalization of the list of sessions, or are submitted without an indication of a session, will be assigned to one by the Scientific Committee. Furthermore, the Committee may define new topical sessions to accommodate papers that do not fit into any of the already accepted sessions. The submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which will decide whether the paper or poster will be accepted, rejected or accepted after revisions. All authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of their submissions after the review process.


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