Keynote speeches
Michael Finkenthal (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A)
Interdisciplinarity, Multi-disciplinarity, Complexity and Beyond
Viktoria Chernenko
Questioning and the art of conversion as a way for better communication
Communication has been talked about and studied by many specialists in different fields. One can attribute many different meanings to it, such as exchange of monologues, sharing of ideas, means of self-expression, etc. But very often we forget the rigorous dimension of communication or a dialogue, the one that makes us view it as training on a way to self-transformation. Dialogue is more often than not, anything but a “body to body” exercise that Socrates was inviting us to. While in a dialogue there is necessarily an agonistic part, where one meets with something that is “other” and this meeting reveals tension that is there a priori, but that one often wants to ignore because of its unpleasant side.
Can communication be such an invitation to change? An invitation to conversion that happens through confrontation with the ideas of the other one, where the access to truth comes through overcoming a singular opinion, even refuting it, in order to see its limits and to enter in the realm of ignorance and incertitude that will ensure some freedom of thinking.
What stops us from indulging in a real “body to body” exchange? Is it possible to shift one’s habitual way of responding and open to another person? How can communication be a way to self-consciousness? We will try to answer some of these questions not in theory but through engaging in a common exercise.
Short bio
Institut de Pratiques Philosophiques, Paris (Moscow Branch), Research Institute of Child Development, Moscow
Viktoria Chernenko is a PhD in philosophy (Sorbonne Paris VIII) and since 2010 she has been working in the Institute of Philosophical Practice (branch in Moscow). She has been developing philosophical practice in Russia and abroad (Norway, Turkey, Holland, Greece, Germany, Belgium, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan), conducting individual consultations and facilitating workshops with children and adults in the centres for child development, schools, universities, business organizations, etc. As a researcher at the Moscow Research Institute for Child Development, she is leading numerous projects with school and kindergarten teachers. She is organizing and teaching the course “Philosophical Counselling” at the Psychology Department of the Moscow Institute of Distance Education, working with students and professors on the art of questioning. She is author of the experimental course “Critical Thinking” for elementary school at the Centre for Children Development “Baby-club”.
Angela Repanovici
Measuring the Quality and Impact of Scientific Information
The study of communication processes in science, the measurement of excellence in research, as well as the research quality are issues which pose rising interests to governments, research institutions, universities and financing bodies as a method of assessing the responsibility and the quality of scientific research. Scientometric performance indicators play an important role in the evaluation of the scientific production of a country, which is why international measurement tools have been developed. The participants to this workshop will learn about the most frequently-used performance indicators, the benefits of scientometry for academics, and will perform their own research using the Web of Science, Scopus, Scimago and Publish or Perish.
Short bio
Angela Repanovici is a professor at “Transilvania” University of Brasov (Romania) since 2003. She completed her PhD in mechanical engineering in 1999 and a PhD in marketing in 2009. She was the university library director for seven years, she coordinated many national and international research projects, with application in information systems, information communication, information literacy. She published a wide variety of books and research articles.
Ágnes Hajdu Barát
New Education Form for School Librarian in the Master Level Concerning Information Literacy
This presentation aims to introduce the school teacher education as a relatively new master course in Hungary. The education of teacher of library pedagogy started in Hungary. This presentation will summarize the results of first years, curricula, dividing of subjects, experiences of practice-teaching and methods of completion portfolio. The major aims of this training is to teach the library pedagogy wide comprehension and to qualify student to help developing the information literacy of children in the school library and public library.
The school librarians can be main stones for the students towards the developing of information literacy. We try to evolve the necessary competencies of teachers and librarians parallel in our students.
The main conclusions consider the result of education, including changing the legal conditions and the educated teacher of library pedagogy has already become a desired and accepted employee on the job markets. These facts have already verified the neccesity of this new type of library education.
Short bio
Ágnes Hajdu Barát is the head of Library Science Department at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. She taught at two other universities in Hungary and she was guest professor several times in different countries. She has had inspector and monitoring work in LIS education and in public libraries in Hungary and EU countries. Her research interests are epistemological issues of knowledge organization, visualization of information, interdisciplinarity and multilingual information retrieval. Agnes Hajdu Barát is the president
of Hungarian Library Association and a member of UDC editorial team. She is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the ISKO. She has been member of IFLA Governing Board since 2015. Mrs. Hajdu has actively promoted cooperation with European library associations as well as with library associations outside Europe during her term of office in the Association of Hungarian Librarians and in IFLA KM Section.
Two special sessions will be organized:
The Modern and Contemporary Reception of Saint Gerard of Cenad 3rd edition
Organizer: Claudiu Mesaroş (West University of Timişoara), claudiu.mesaros@e-uvt.ro
Suggested topics: Theology, Hagiography, Philosophy, History of Science, Intellectual History, Philology, History And Church History, Medieval Studies, Archeology, Paleography, Arts, History of Arts – all in relation to the figure of Saint Gerard of Cenad
The Library as ideal public space for learning and communication
Biblioteca şcolară - spaţiu ideal de informare şi comunicare 6th edition
Organizer: Maria Micle, maria.micle@e-uvt.ro
Suggested topics: the science of information; learning how to do research – from middle school to doctoral levels; promoting reading among children and adults; non-formal education – teaching methodology for children and adolescents; innovative projects or services refering to social engagement initiated or co-organized with institutions of documentation (libraries, archives, museums, etc.); examples of interactions between educational institutions, cultural institutions, and institutions of documentation; marketing, promotion, and cultural animation; social media supporting education and institutions of documentation; communication and intercultural education.
Please note that the presentations of this special session will be in Romanian.