The registration fees are as following:
- Full fee, 145 EUR
- Student fee, 80 EUR
- No publication/co-author participation fee, 50 EUR
The full and student registration fees cover: conference materials, coffee breaks, Proceedings on CD, entrance for one person to the social event.
The no publication/co-author participation fee covers coffee breaks, entrance for one person to the social event and allows full access to all conference sessions.
The publication of any paper in the proceedings implies one registered author with one paid registration fee.
We can accept payment at the registration desk only from those participants who do not present any papers.

English language evaluation
Please note that during the first round of reviews, the papers will also be evaluated from a linguistic and grammatical point of view. Should the reviewers decide that your paper needs English improvement, you will have two options:
Opt for our conference English editor who will revise your paper from the linguistic point of view. His fee is 4 EUR/page (excluding pages with images or tables only) - if you decide for this option, the fee will be included in the final conference fee.
Have the paper revised on your own. In this case, please note that your paper will be reviewed once more form a linguistic perspective and you might be asked to improve on it for a second time.
Cancellation policy:
Should participants decide to withdraw their participation to CESC 2015, they will be returned 80% of the fee until October 23rd. After this date, there is no possibility of paying back the fees.
Conference Secretariat
TRIVENT Conference Office
Phone: +40 074 0038984
Conference Publications
Trivent Publishing
Information concerning the scientific program
Maria Micle,
Claudiu Mesaros, |