Guidelines for submitting your extended abstract:
Please make sure that your extended abstracts are between 500 and 800 words. An extended abstract is not simply a long abstract. An extended abstract should contain references, comparisons to related work, proofs of key theorems, substantiation for statements of fact, and other details which the author finds necessary to highlight to the reviewers. The extended abstract should clearly specify the problem(s), project, innovations, advances, or other subject matter that the extended abstract is addressing, the expected contributions(s) of the work, a brief description of the methodology adopted, results obtained, and the conclusions resulting from the work. Some things that can be omitted from an extended abstract include future work, details of proofs or implementations that should seem plausible to reviewers, and ramifications not relevant to the key ideas of the abstract.
Each accepted paper must be presented by one of the authors at the conference and must be accompanied by a registration fee.
After the workshop, prospective authors are invited to submit full papers, between minimum 8 and maximum 15 pages.
All papers will follow the template to be found here:
Accepted papers will be published by Trivent Publishing ( and sent for indexing to Scopus and ISI Thomson Reuters.
Conference Secretariat
TRIVENT Conference Office
Phone: +40 074 0038984
Conference Publications
Trivent Publishing
Information concerning the scientific program
Maria Micle,
Claudiu Mesaros, |