

Dynamic Facilitation & Wisdom Council

2-4 October 2012 - Budapest, Hungary

25. Távhő Vándorgyűlés

18-19 September 2012 – Balatonfüred, Hungary

  Meghívó letöltése

  Jelentkezési lap letöltése

European Commission FWC 2009 – Lot5 in consortium with ITALTREND SPA

  • Information Seminar and Kick-Off Meeting of the Non-state Actors and Local Authorities programme for the Baltic Sea Region, St. Petersburg - Russia
  • Organization of CBRN Conferences worldwide, Nairobi - Kenya, Veyrier du Lac - France, Windhoek - Namibia
  • Logistic support for SEETO Workshops, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Support to the organization of the Meeting EUrocLIMA on Soil Atlas of LAC, Mar del Plata - Argentina
  • PALOP - TL Programme Meeting - Brussels
  • Multi-Beneficiary IPA Programme Meetings with NGOs, Brussels - Belgium
  • Multi-Beneficiary IPA Programme Coordination Meetings, Brussels - Belgium, Belgrade - Serbia
  • Logística para Preparación de taller para Autoridades Locales, Maiquetia - Venezuela
  • Logistic support for Workshops on Options for Financing NEEAPs Implementation in the Western Balkans
