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The CAA 2008 in Budapest will be hosted by

NIFThe main sponsor of the conference is the National Infrastructure Development Corporation, a company known for supporting motorway rescue excavations as well. Their generous support allows us to prepare, organise and manage the CAA 2008 in a smooth and efficient manner.


The Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

> The Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University
> The Hungarian National Museum

> The Budapest Historical Museum

> The Central European University

> Archaeolingua Foundation and Publishing House

> RIVAA Research Institute for Visualization, Architecture and Archaeology

> Narmer Architecture Studio

MTAEötvösNemzetiTörténeti MúzeumCEU ArcheolinguaNAS

We would like to appeal to those members of the economy that are in a working relationship with archaeology, and therefore understand the significance of the efforts that this conference makes in promoting the most recent research methods. The conference in Budapest is different from all previous CAA meetings in the sense that it tries to turn this practical relationship into a mutually beneficial co-operation.
We offer to our sponsors a conference that, as a whole, will target the advancing of such a co-operation, in addition to an opportunity to appear on the promotional surfaces of an event of international significance: on our website, which will operate from one year before to two years after the event, in the abstract book and conference proceedings.
The topics and methods we represent are still relatively new in archaeology. The age of the conference participants is usually below the average for the humanities. We are very glad about this, however, it gives us the extra task of making sure that no one has to miss the conference because of financial reasons. We would like to ask for the help of our sponsors to resolve this issue.
While in the US and Western Europe organisers establish set amounts of money for gold, silver and bronze sponsors, we shall not do this, because we think that all support serves to further the above goals.
