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inter-Academia Community
Shizuoka University
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Comenius University
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Warsaw University of Technology
University of Wuppertal
Gomel State University
Riga Technical University
Masaryk University
National Technical University of Ukraine


Important dates and deadlines:

May 27, 2012 Extended abstract submission and special session proposal

June 25, 2012 Extended notification of acceptance

July 29, 2012 Final manuscript and early payment
Information concerning the organisation:

TRIVENT Conference Office
H-1119 Budapest, Hungary
Etele út 59-61

Phone: +36 (1) 371-1333
Fax: +36 (1) 371-1334
E-mail: office@trivent.hu
Home page: http://www.trivent.hu
Information concerning the technical program:

Prof. Annamária R. Várkonyi-Kóczy

Óbuda University
H-1081 Budapest, Hungary
Népszínház utca 8.

Phone: +36 (1) 666-5419
Fax: +36 (1) 666-5485
Copyright © 2012