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The BNAS 2017 Conference will take place at the “Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad.

The official language of the workshop is English.

Presentations can be made by using a data projector. All authors are kindly requested to take their presentation on a USB stick and upload it on the conference laptop during the break before their session.
Presenters should not use their own laptop.

There will be free of charge Internet facilities for the workshop participants.

Social programs
Coming soon...

The Organizers of the Workshop do not provide insurance and do not take responsibility for any loss, accident or illness that might occur during the Workshop or in the course of travel to or from the meeting site. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the participants to check their coverage with their insurance provider.

The electricity supply is 220 V AC (50 Hz).

The month of May is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing from 21°C to 24°C over the course of the month, exceeding 30°C or dropping below 15°C only during one day in ten.

Transportation to and within Arad
For detailed information on transportation, please see here

Taxi companies
Taxi Alfa             004 0357 422.888
Taxi Arad           004 0257 244.244
Taxi Europa       004 0257 275.555