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The International Conference on “Bioethics in the New Age of Science” 2017 will offer participants a support for exploring ethical and legal problems in bioethics in the context of the new challenges generated by the scientific discoveries of the 21st century. The aim of the conference is to facilitate the multidisciplinary approach of bioethics, by gathering specialists from bioethics and its connected fields through the five main topics of the conference: bioethics and law ; medical ethics; ethical aspects in research and biomedical technology; bioethics education; bioethics committees..

The fields of life sciences and medical biotechnologies have undergone unprecedented development in the past few decades; the fact that these sciences deal with the human being required a new moral perspective in order to prevent possible abuses on the life, dignity, or autonomy of people. While these progresses increased lifespan and life quality, they were also real challenges for traditional values, ethics, and religious beliefs. The strong impact of the new knowledge as well as the consequences of using biotechnologies led to the revision of concepts such those regarding the human being, freedom, will, family, responsibility, dignity, etc. There are however many ethical and legal questions regarding bioethics which are yet to be phrased – they will most likely be phrased once new dilemmas and problems will arise and once new technologies which protect the human being from abuses will arise.

The BNAS 2017 Conference will offer participants a setting for discussing all these bioethical issues in order to discover new methods for understanding them, while also revealing the most adequate answers. The conference is this happy to welcome academics, researchers, physicians, philosophers, theologians, lawyers, jurists, psychologists, sociologists and social workers, public policy workers, students, members of ethics committees, etc.

Suggested topics:

Bioethics and Law
Philosophical foundations; norms and normativity in bioethics; bioethics and human rights; health law; legal implications of new biological technologies, mind and behavior control, genetic engineering, birth and death control, and organ transplantation.

Medical Ethics
Methods for ethical evaluation; rationing in healthcare systems - ethical implications in the management of limited resources; ethical dilemmas in medical practice; neuroethics; pharmaceutical ethics; ethical aspects in assisted human reproduction; ethical aspects with regard to the use of predictive genetic tests; ethics of organ transplantation; end of life issues; informed consent; confidentiality; the ethics of public health, etc.

Ethical aspects in research and biomedical technology
Ethical principles of research; cloning and genetic engineering; nanobiotechnology; the research on stem cells and their usage; animal testing for medical devices; databases in the health system and biobanks; human experimentation and the protection of persons; the risk of falsification of experiment results; vulnerable subjects for human experiments; the involvement of children in clinical studies; dilemmas in the ethics of research.

Bioethics education
The role of bioethics education; youth and bioethics education; the accessibility to bioethical education for all; methods and tools specific to bioethical education; teaching methodology; study resources; status of the programs.

Bioethics committees
Establishing bioethics committees; roles, professions and responsibilities; different types of bioethics committees; procedures and operations; status and legal measures.