

European Commission FWC 2013 - Lot5 in consortium with ITALTREND SPA

  • Support for the Organization of a Workshop with Representatives of Projects Selected by Call for Proposals Targeting the Informal Economy – Brussels, Belgium
  • Organization of high visibility series of events for Energy Sector Policy Reform Programmes - Cairo, Egypt
  • Support to the organisation of Multi-country IPA Programme Coordination Meetings 2015 - Pristina, Brussels
  • IAEA Seminar on Measures to Detect and Respond to Cross Border Movement of Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials out of Regulatory Control: Issues and Challanges (TransPacific Focus) - Shanghai, China
  • EU - Tajikistan Civil Society Seminar on Human Rights - Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Support to the Organisation of the EUROCLIMA 2 Working Meeting - San José, Costa Rica
  • Conferences and Meetings under the Instrument contributin to Stability and Peace (IcSP) - Manila, Chaudefontaine, Bologna, Brussels
  • Procurement of Services to Support National Treasury's International Development Cooperation Logistical Support - Nigeria, Ethiopia, Belgium, Germany, USA, Brazil, Indonesia
  • Support to the organisation of 5th Regional Meeting of CODIA-RALCEA and the course 'Integrated Flood Management' - Bolivia, Cuba
  • Conferences and Meetings under the Instrument contributin to Stability and Peace (IcSP) - Manila, Chaudefontaine, Bologna, Brussels

28. Távhő Vándorgyűlés

15-16 September, 2015 - Balatonalmádi, Hungary

Meghívó letöltése

Jelentkezési lap letöltése

13th International Symposium in Management (SIM 2015)

9-10 October 2015 - Timişoara, Romania
