Future of European Waters – How should policies be adapted
23-25 March Budapest, Hungary
IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)
3-7 July 2011 – Budapest, Hungary
IWA Specialised conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants
4-8 September 2011 – Budapest, Hungary
24. Távhő Vándorgyűlés
12-13 September 2011 – Nyíregyháza, Hungary
5th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics
15-17 September, 2011 Floriana, Malta
WISP'2011 - 7th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent and Signal Processing
19-21 September, 2011 Floriana, Malta
European Commission FWC 2009 – Lot5 in consortium with ITALTREND SPA
- Transport and accommodation for Albanian journalists participants to a seminar organised with EJC, Brussels - Belgium
- The Second EU-Armenia Human Rights/Civil Society Seminar on Media "Media Today", Tsakhkadzor - Armenia
- TACKLE Mid-term review Validation workshop 19th-20th of April 2011, Brussels
- Seminario de Evaluación - 30, 31 de mayo 2011, Caracas - Venezuela
- Preparatory meeting to the conference "Freedom of Expression" Meeting with the Commissioner and journalists from IPA Beneficiaries
- Preparation and Publication for the Conference of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobil accident, Kiev - Ukraine
- ALFA Coordination Event
- Accommodation of guests participants and payment of speakers to the Conference "Freedom of expression" organised by DG Enlargement on 6 May 2011, in Brussels
- Multi Beneficiary IPA Programme-Public Administration and Governance Working Group Meetings
- Information Seminar and Kick-Off Meeting of the Non-state Actors and Local Authorities programme for the Baltic Sea Region