Trivent Publishing belongs to Trivent Conferences. Throughout its years of experience, Trivent gained the skills and methods employed by professional academic publishing, which materialized into Trivent Publishing in 2014.
Trivent Publishing serves the academic community by publishing peer-reviewed volumes dedicated to academic research. It prides in its three new imprints (Trivent Medieval, Trivent Violence & Conflict, and Trivent Ethicsin Science &Technology) which publish book series dedicated to subjects related to the history of the Middle Ages, medieval magic and witchcraft, equine history, art history, Late Antique and Byzantine studies, cultural heritage; criminology, interdisciplinary and inter-political discussions on violence, the philosophy of violence; bioethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, and others.
Furthermore, it publishes series and journals related to engineering and industry, philosophy, medicine and biology, communication and mediasciences, although we are happy to accommodate new academic fields and research approaches!