May 10, 2006, Wednesday


08:00-09:00 Registration


09:00 – 10:30 Opening session

Co-chairs: A. Zöld and Z. Magyar


Opening address: Antal Penninger, Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, dean


-         Transposition of the EPBD in Hungary

J. Leitner

-         Transposition of the EPBD – European overview

E. Maldonado

-         A new initiative: the Building Platform

P. Wouters


10:30 – 11:00 Coffee


11:00-12:30 IEE session:  „Applied Research meets Daily Practice”

Co - Chairs:  J.-C. Visier and H. Erhorn


-         The EIE projects and their contributions to the EPBD implementation

G. Sutherland


-         Suppliers offers for rating procedures

·         ENPER-EXIST project (J.-C. Visier)

·         EPA-NR project (B. Poel)

·         EPLabel (R. Cohen)


-         Challenge existing building stock

·         Apllicability of CEN standards (M. Spiekman)

·         Expert tandem interview: (J.-C. Visier interviews B. Poel and R. Cohen)

·        Pro’s,  con’s and limitations of the rating system (FAQ)


General Discussion


12:30 – 14:00 Lunch


14:00 –15:30 IEE session „Applied Research meets Daily Practice” (cont.)

Co - Chairs:  J-C Visier and H. Erhorn


-         Member States experiences with rating procedures (EPBD-CA country reports)

·         Germany (H. Schettler-Köhler)

·         Denmark (K. Englund-Thomsen)

·         Netherland (D. V. Dijk)


General Discussion


15:30 – 16:00 Coffee


16:00 – 18:00

Co-chairs : L. Garbai and Gy. Takácsi


-         Probability method for evaluate of energy demand of central air conditioning systems

(L. Kajtár, A. Leitner, L. Herczeg, J. Gräff)


-    ET4EB - Energy Training for European Buildings

            A. Kärner


-         Ventilation and energy efficiency

I. Keszthelyi


-         Outlines of contaminant controlled ventilation systems

A. Tímár


-         The EUROPAN air duct system

J. Bakó


-         The building energy program of MÉASZ

E. Grosser


-         Comparison of renovation practice the reference buildings of Demohouse project

K. Matolcsy – T. Csoknyai


19:00  Welcome Party – Hotel Griff, restaurant

            Greetings: László Borsi – State Secretary, President of OLÉH




May 11, 2006, Thursday


08:30 – 10:00 

Co - Chairs: Péter Sólyomi and Owen Lewis


-         Ultra efficient renovation of a building made with prefabricated panels

T. Csoknyai


-         Possibilities of solar energy utilization in the optimisation of internal climate in buildings in the summer period

J.Kalaš, Z. Vranayová, P. Olšavský


-         Modelling the Thermal Performance of Advanced Glazing Systems in Three European Locations

A. Mylona, D. Alexander, P. J. Jones


-         Regulations and energy classification in Italian temperate climates

F. Stazi, C. Di Perna, A. Stazi


10:00 – 10:30 Coffee


10:30 – 12:30 Leonardo VET –BOOM project session

Co - Chairs: P. Fritz and A. Karner


-         Training of building surveyors

G. Smyth


-         Leonardo da Vinci pilot project for implementing building observation, operation and maintenance

M. Brumaru


-         Pilot Courses: the Experience of the Italian Pilot Courses in the “Leonardo da Vinci Community Vocational Training Action Programme” VET BOOM

A. Frattari


-         Management and retrofit of building stock in Dunaújváros

L. Tóth


-         Residential building maintenance higher level necessity in terms of the Slovak Republic

Z. Vranayova, J. Kalas, M. Lichner


-         Transposition of EPBD in Ireland

O. Lewis


-         Energy Performance of Buildings Criteria in Italy. The existing system and its implementation in order to address the European Directive

R. Albatici


12:30 – 14:00 Lunch


14:00 – 16:00

Co - Chairs: L. Bánhidi, A. Denk, C. Meszléry


-         Energy saving by lighting

C. Jarita


-         Implementation of directive on the energy performance of buildings in the European Union

Z. Magyar – A. Leitner


-         The way of decreasing the number of carbon monoxide poisoning and the “Heller Programme”

F. Komlós


-         Modernisation of heating systems of buildings made with industrialised technology

I. Csoknyai


-         „Active quality politics” - EPBD and the perspectives of industry

T. Pálvölgyi



Discussions, Conclusions

